red arrow in circle with text that reads 5 min.

D117 Families, Students, Staff & Community Members,

This is the July edition of a monthly update wherein you will receive timely reminders, links for upcoming events, and news from Community High School District #117. We promise to keep this to a 5 minute read (or less!)! 


August Dates! Save these key dates when you build your family calendar for August:

7 AP Bootcamp (see below)

9  LCHS All Sports Information Night, 7:00 pm

10 Both Schools Freshman Orientation - ½ day, 8:00 am

10 Both Schools New Student Orientation

10 Both Schools Freshman Parent Night, 6:30pm

14 ACHS Fall Sports Information Night, 6:30 pm

16 Both Schools Freshman First Day of School, 8:00 am - 11:30 am 

17 Both Schools 1st Day of School - ALL Students, 8:00 am

18 Both Schools Kick-Off Evening Events with Fun and Music!


Free AP Bootcamp on August 7 for AP Students, Especially First Timers

If you are taking an AP course this year, especially if it is your first time, consider registering for our District 117 Advanced Placement (AP) Boot Camp by July 24 using this link.  We would love to have you join us at this free event!

At Boot Camp you will hear a keynote address from a college admissions counselor, attend four breakout sessions focusing on skills and mindsets critical to AP success, hear from veteran AP students about their experiences, and participate in team-building activities. Lunch will also be provided to all participants.

Boot Camp will be held on Monday, August 7 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm at Lakes Community High School. Please arrange for your rides to drop you off and pick you up at the Athletic Entrance. We look forward to seeing you and helping you start your AP experience in D117 off right! Please RSVP by July 24 at this link.


Fall Sports Registration is Open!

Athletic registration for fall sports at both schools is open! Follow this link and select your school from the drop down.


New Mentoring Program for All Freshmen Launches in August!

We are excited to launch Link Crew for the Class of 2027! Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience. Link Crew is a proven high school transition program that trains mentors from the junior and senior classes to serve as positive role models and guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate freshman success. Members of the Class of 2027 will meet their Link Crew Leaders on August 10th during Freshman Orientation.


Student Created Strategic Plan Video Launches, Link to New Portrait of a Graduate & Full Plan Live!

District 117 students created a video that provides an overview of the District 117 2023 Strategic Plan Coalition process and the new D117 Portrait of a Graduate. That video is now live on YouTube, along with the link to our new District 117 Portrait of a Graduate and the full Strategic Plan plan document.

Follow this link to watch the student video and read the full plan!


Have a question or topic for our August update? If you have a question or topic you would like us to include in our August update, please feel free to share your idea with our superintendent, Dr. Jeff Feucht via email ( or via phone (direct line: 847.838.7679).