Subscribe to Antioch Calendars
If you are a Google Calendar user, you can sync various Antioch calendars to your Google account and see our events on your own calendar, or even on your phone! As events are added or changed, you will see these changes on your own calendar. Find out how!
ACHS Calendar & Events
For building-wide events, holidays, and other important events, check out this calendar. Click

in the bottom right to add it to your own Google Calendar.
Antioch Fine Arts Calendar
Go to the ACHS Fine Arts Calendar. Click

in the bottom right to add it to your own Google Calendar.
Antioch Athletics Calendars
Go to the Antioch Athletics website and locate the sport/team whose schedule you want to subscribe to. Then click the Schedule button for that team. Finally, click

on the right side. Follow the prompts on your computer or phone. Next steps will vary depending on the device you are using. For more information, see this support article.